オオヤマザクラは冷温帯に分布する落葉広葉樹で、北海道や東北地方でよく見られます。秩父演習林のある関東地方では標高800m以上で出現します。ボールペン材となった個体が生育していたのは、秩父演習林の林齢約90年の天然林で、かつて薪炭林として利用されていた森林です(写真1)。2018年9月の台風21号によって強風で倒れて道を塞ぐことになり、同時に倒れたブナとともに伐採されました(写真2)。サクラ類もブナも家具・造作材や玩具・工芸品等に利用される樹種であり、倒れた2本はともに幹が真っすぐで状態が良かったことから、木材として有効活用することになりました。2019年3月に幹を1~1.5mの長さの丸太に玉切りし、演習林のトラックで製材所まで運搬して、板材として製材しました。その後、秩父演習林の倉庫などで自然乾燥させました(写真3)。このうち、長さ約1.3m、幅30cm、厚さ6cmの板材2枚がボールペン用に使用されました(写真4, 5)。
Ballpoint pens made from the cherry wood of the University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest
Ballpoint pens made from the Sargent's cherry (Cerasus sargentii) wood of the University of Tokyo Chichibu Forest (UTCF) is on sale at the University of Tokyo Communication Center (UTCC) on the Hongo Campus. This article will introduce the origin of the wood and the process of making it.
Sargent's cherry is a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved tree and mainly distributed in Hokkaido and Tohoku region. In Kanto region where the UTCF is located, it appears at altitudes of 800 m or higher. This material tree was growing in an about 90-year-old natural secondary forest in the UTCF (Photo 1). The forest was once used as for firewood and coal. It was felled because strong winds by Typhoon No. 21 in September 2018 caused it to fall and block the road along with a beech tree (Photo 2). Cherry trees and beech trees are both used for furniture, construction materials, toys, crafts, etc. Since the two fallen trees had straight trunks and were in good condition, it was decided to make effective use of them as timbers. In March 2019, the trunks were cut into 1 to 1.5 m long logs and transported to the sawmill by truck to be sawn into a board. The boards were then air-dried in the storehouse and under the roof of the UTCF (Photo 3). Two of these boards, about 1.3 m long, 30 cm wide, and 6 cm thick, were used for ballpoint pens (Photo 4, 5).
写真1:オオヤマザクラが生育していた森林(2018年1月) Photo 1: Forest where the Sargent's cherry tree was growing (January 2018). |
写真2:倒伏した様子。手前がオオヤマザクラ、奥がブナの倒木(2018年9月) Photo 2: A fallen tree. In the foreground is a cherry tree, and in the background is a beech tree (September 2018). |
写真3:板材として加工して倉庫に保管されていた材 Photo 3: Wood that was processed into a board and stored in a storehouse. |
写真4:ボールペン用に使用した板材2枚 Photo 4: Two boards of wood used for ballpoint pens. |
写真5:完成したボールペン Photo 5:Completed ballpoint pen. |